Arizona Athenaeum After-School Program

Click the link below your school name to register.

It’s more than just after-care. It’s After-School Athenaeum.

The Athenaeum (ath-uh-nay-uhm) was originally a school in Rome, founded by Emperor Hadrian in 133 A.D. for the promotion of literary and scientific studies.

Similarly, Great Hearts Athenaeum After-School Program is focused on the liberal arts and promotes learning by providing students dedicated homework time in addition to a diverse array of culturally enriching, academically oriented activities beyond the classroom. But it’s not all academics! Athenaeum scholars also enjoy time for recreation, games, socializing and just plain fun. Athenaeum is open to grades K-5 and runs daily from the dismissal bell (even on early release and half-days) until 6:00 PM. Flexible and affordable options are available to fit any family’s after-school needs.

*Registration for the CURRENT 2024-25 school year is now open! Click the link below your academy name below to register.

Registration for the UPCOMING 2025-26 school year begins on March 3rd, 2025.

For questions about the registration process, billing, or your account, please contact the Billing Specialist, Wendy Hood, at

Click the link below your school name to register.

Archway Anthem

Located in the Anthem Community.

Click Here to Register →
Contact: 602-309-5938

Archway Arete

Click Here to Register →
Contact: 480-251-5697

Archway Chandler

Click Here to Register →
Contact: 602-740-0683

Archway Cicero

Click Here to Register →
Contact: 602-740-6468

Archway Glendale

Click Here to Register →
Contact: 480-560-9782

Archway Lincoln

Click Here to Register →
Contact: 602-715-7424

Maryvale Prep

Click Here to Register →
Contact: 480-247-1532

Archway North Phoenix

Click Here to Register →
Contact: 480-200-6361

Archway Roosevelt

Click Here to Register →
Contact: 602-228-5322

Archway Scottsdale

Click Here to Register →
Contact: 602-740-6221

Archway Trivium

Click Here to Register →
Contact: 602-740-8166

Archway Veritas

Click Here to Register →
Contact: 602-796-9766

For general enrollment and billing information, please contact the Billing Specialist at or 602.396.7574.

Summer Programs

Great Hearts Summer Camp supports the Great Hearts mission in an engaging environment focused on inspiring creativity and deepening a sense of wonder through action-packed themes.  Each week incorporates topics including science, math, art, literature, athletic skills, and more. Campers will laugh as they compete in crazy camp games, sing silly campfire songs, enjoy engaging activities, and make new friends. It’s a traditional summer camp experience with a classical twist!

Kinder Readiness is designed to acclimate incoming Kindergarten students to the Archway Schools, Great Hearts curriculum, and the academy teachers. Each week scholars will practice and gain confidence in the skills needed in Kindergarten alongside new friends.