Academy Life
Co-Curricular and Athletic programs are integral to the educational experience at Great Hearts. We encourage students to build communities and bonds with their peers outside of the classroom.
Great Hearts Mission
Liberal education consists of cognitive, emotional, and moral education—thinking deeply, loving noble things, and living well together. We believe, with Plato, that the highest goal of education is to become good, intellectually and morally.
Read our MissionPhilosophy
Our View of Learning: Verum, Pulchrum, Bonum.
We believe that the world is ordered and knowable and that the human intellect, while imperfect, can attain knowledge of reality through reason, hard work, and a coherent program of study.
Great Hearts PhilosophyPhilosophical Pillars
The Philosophical Pillars of Great Hearts are aphorisms in support of the core and never-changing purpose of the organization: to cultivate the hearts and minds of students through the pursuit of Truth, Goodness and Beauty.
Philosophical PillarsAthletics
At Great Hearts we seek to educate the entire individual, mind and body. That is why Physical Education and Athletics remains part of the DNA at Great Hearts.
Athletics at Great HeartsHealth Office
The goal of our health office is to aid in the health and wellness of your child, by making sure students are current with their vaccinations, are compliant with our illness policies, and to keep your student at school and learning when possible.
Health Office