Special Education
Great Hearts offers a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to students with disabilities who are currently eligible or are determined eligible to receive special education services and related services.
Providing access to a classical education to students with disabilities is central to Great Hearts’ philosophy of education, which seeks to enrich the lives of all of our children. We believe that the unnecessary removal or compartmentalizing of any student because of special needs would result in an impoverished experience for the entire class.
As such, our practice is to include our students with disabilities to the maximum extent possible in the general classroom while supporting their development of strategies and skills through specialized instruction. This practice is guided by the mission of the special education program at Great Hearts which is dedicated to fostering our students’ perseverance through courage and introspection.
In pursuit of these virtues, our Special Education teams develop a program for each eligible student that maximizes access to the liberal arts curriculum through small-group or one-on-one instruction, both inside and outside of the regular classroom during the school day. Our teams comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and include instruction in skills and strategies in areas of deficit and may incorporate related services including, but not limited to:
• Speech and Language services
• Occupational therapy
• Physical therapy
• School-based counseling
• Consultation with a hearing teacher
If you believe your student is a child with a disability and requires specialized instruction, or for more information about special education services please contact the special services personnel at your local academy.
Arete Preparatory Academy
- Meaghan Jimenez: mjimenez@areteprepacadem.org
Archway Arete
- Meg Marks: mmarks@archwayarete.org
Chandler Prep
- Jennifer Haynes: jhaynes@chandlerprep.org
Archway Chandler
- Stacy Lockery: slockery@archwaychandler.org
Cicero Prep
- Lauren Norman lnorman@ciceroprep.org
Glendale Preparatory Academy
- Sue Hasting: shastings@glendaleprep.org
- Rachel Janssen: rjanssen@glendaleprep.org
Archway Glendale
- Elizabeth Severson: eseverson@archwayglendale.org
- Natalie Wynn: nwynn@archwayglendale.org
Great Hearts Anthem
- Sarah West: swest@greatheartsanthem.org
Great Hearts Online
- Amy Bernstein: amy.bernstein@greatheartsonline.org
Great Hearts Roosevelt
- Jennifer Finney: jfinney@greatheartsroosevelt.org
- Hailey Gandee: hgandee@greatheartsroosevelt.org
Lincoln Prep
- Jennifer Langdeau: jlangdeau@lincolnprep.org
Archway Lincoln
- Susan Osborn: sosborn@archwaylincoln.org
Maryvale Preparatory Academy
- Nikki Georgia: ngeorgia@maryvaleprep.org
North Phoenix Preparatory Academy
- Lisa Wallman: lwallman@northphoenixprep.org
Archway North Phoenix
- Jean Page: jpage@archwaynorthphoenix.org
Scottsdale Prep
- Marilee Edel: medel@scottsdaleprep.org
Archway Scottsdale
- Rebecca Conforto: rconforto@archwayscottsdale.org
Trivium Prep
- Marie Hager mhager@triviumprep.org
Archway Trivium
- Fiona Kolia: fkolia@archwaytrivium.org
Veritas Prep
- Lauren Maroney: lmaroney@veritasprepacademy.org
Archway Veritas
- Rachel Moskau: rmoskau@archwayveritas.org
- Grace Whitfield Haynes: gwhitfieldhaynes@archwayveritas.org