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Glendale Prep Athlete Makes Basketball History with 1,000 Career Points

With the roar of the crowd behind her and just 10 points to go, Glendale Prep [1] senior Senna Smith stepped onto the court determined to make history. With every shot, the anticipation grew until, finally, she sank the basket that solidified her place in the record books, becoming the first Glendale Prep basketball player to reach the 1,000 career point milestone at the Great Hearts academy.

Smith, #23 on the Glendale Prep [1] varsity girls basketball team, was understandably beaming after the milestone game. “Ever since I found out that this was even achievable for me in high school, I’ve been working for it.”

The power forward entered the game confident that she would reach the 1,000 point mark that night. “I knew I was going to hit it, it just depended on when in the game I was going to hit it because I knew I would get it today,” she said. “And I wanted it to be a home game because I knew all these people would be out here to support me.”

Basketball crowd standing and cheering [2]

The crowd erupted with each basket Smith scored, fully aware of the significance of the moment. “Every point I scored in the game leading up to it, I heard them all screaming for me,” she recalled. “Every miss, I was like, ‘Oh, I’m so close,’ but it was just right there, and I knew I would get it.”

With one final shot during the second quarter, Smith officially secured her place in Glendale Prep [1] history. “This marks the first basketball player, girls or boys, to reach that 1,000 point milestone,” announced Assistant Athletic Director Tom Kontak over the PA system to a cheering crowd, including the varsity boys basketball team, holding up signs of support and giving thunderous applause.

Female athlete being cheered on my her coaches and team [3]

This was a time of celebration for her “Lady Griffin” teammates as well, who quickly surrounded her in excitement after the shot was made. Head Coach Brian Frey quickly called a time-out, and Smith was presented with commemorative basketball and quickly posed for a few pictures with her family in front of a still-cheering crowd of fans, before resuming the winning game against Rancho Solano Preparatory.

Female basketball athlete posing with her parents [4]

She expressed gratitude to those who have supported her along the way. “I want to thank my parents, and my brother, and all of my coaches that I’ve had. I’ve had so many coaches, and they’ve all helped me get here. All of my family has always just been so supportive of me, and they’re always out with me shooting and rebounding for me and just everybody in my life.”

Basketball team and coaches posing with "1,000" in balloons and digital banner reading, "Senna Smith 1,000 points" [5]

Smith’s historic achievement showcases her perseverance and determination, against all odds, setting a high standard for future players at Glendale Prep [1]. Her name will now be forever linked to one of the most significant milestones in the academy’s basketball program.

Do you have a story or know of a story that you would like to see featured at Great Hearts? Please contact jmoore@greatheartsamerica.org [6].

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